Friday 28 August 2009

The Law Of Attraction Proven!

There are several exercises within this book, that reveal exactly what's happening within your brain, that have brought you to where you are now. It also then shows you how to go about changing your life to create life you truly want.

It also discloses the truth about how Rhonda Byrne, author of "The Secret" created the Movie The Secret, information that is not discussed throughout the film.

Esther hicks, from the teachings of abraham, mentions that there are two main components to making the law of attraction work. There is your wanting for something, and your belief that you will have it. When I heard that I instantly thought, that's great, I know what I want, but how do I go about believing that I'll achieve it?

This book not only helps you learn what your beliefs are, but how to change them if they're not serving you, or strengthen them in order to attract what you want. It also shows how to intensify desire.

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